Wild garlic

My park has a river down the side of it. We walk along it often. Just now the green things are really starting to come out and the wild garlic is beating everything else.

My apparent pack leader is babbling on about how great this could be because he thinks it can be great in recipes. Thank goodness I am a dog and get to eat mashed up bits of animal and pigs ears and such like. This green stuff is quite nasty.

Not for the first time he has come up with an anti-dog comment. He seems to suggest that because the canine community piddles all over it they cannot eat it. So faddy can’t they just rinse it under the tap!

Anyway stop wingeing and get me home for some good healthy meaty nutrition.

But just to demonstrate I am not anti-human there are some good recipes here:


Gala Day at the Ark

What a lovely day – cool and breezy – may not suit the bipeds but keeps me nice and cool and ready to run.

Early walk round the park – some deep sniffs around the perimeter and to check out the other canines.  Hearty breakfast then off to the Ark in Ashbourne . As you know this was my home for nearly a year and  now I don’t live there I love to visit.

But…what a cock-up……too late for the “most handsome dog”  competition – it was in the bag!

Still I met lots of my old friends who were lovely to me when I was there – just one glitch – a slip of the tongue revealed I had an Asbo for a time for being a little disruptive. I noticed 1 and 2 discussing it and giving me a quizzical look – remember to be extra cute for a few days.

It was ever so busy so they did really well. We were there past closing time and they both went into the dog part and spent a bit too long looking at those in need of a new home.

A quick snooze on the way home a nice walk and tiffin and then a snooze. They must have forgotten the Asbo because I got a pigs ear – delightful!

Time to sleep.

Nice and cool and breezy

Slight Breezy Day on Ullswater.

Image via Wikipedia

What a lovely day – cool and breezy – may not suit the bipeds but keeps me nice and cool and ready to run.

Quick set of sprints, dip in the river followed by a nicely balanced lunch with good quality protein and then a nice long sleep full of dreams of hills and woods and tasty rabbits!